Small bug in Admin panel when >49 Aliases

I found this bug by accident when I used the command line to past in my 256 aliases (I don’t use a catch all). So after rebuidling the server a few times thinking I messed it up, I began to isolate when exactly it gave me the error on the admin panel when clicking on “mail” then “users” “something went wrong, sorry”. And behind that popup window, “Existing mail users”, sits there with “loading…” — the lights then went on, Tada! I then removed all the aliases then started to re-add them back in 10 at a time, checking the admin panel each time— then after the 50th one, it gave the error, so I’m guessing it’s a time out issue for that page. because on the alises page, it just displays all of them (you now, with the trash can icon).

So even though everything appears to work, it’s just an admin page tiny bug when clicking on Mail/Users.

Also, this is my first post, I want to thank you for such a great project and all the time you’ve put into it really helps the community, A LOT!

Screen grab of the error: is at (new users can’t post pics)

Thanks. This should be fixed in the next version.