Sieve (dovecot) timed out in status checks (after apt-get and 0.07 upgrades)

I installed mailinabox at version 0.04 and have had passes for all the status checks since with upgrades to 0.05, and 0.06.

Today however I got a failure from the Sieve status check. I have made two changes recently, and assume that it was caused by one of them.

  1. I ran “sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade” as suggested in the docs. I notice that it prompted about postfix config changes, for which I chose the “don’t change the existing config” option.

  2. Then I ran “curl -s | sudo bash” to upgrade to version 0.07

Since then I get “Sieve (dovecot) is running but is not publicly accessible at 111.222.333.444:4190 (timed out).” for the status checks. Has anyone else seen this?

In the logs below I’ve replaced my hostname with and my IP with 111.222.333.444

ubuntu@myhost:~$ sudo mailinabox/management/
✖  Sieve (dovecot) is running but is not publicly accessible at 111.222.333.444:4190 (timed out).
✓  SSH disallows password-based login.
✓  System software is up to date.
✓ exists as a mail alias [=>]
?  The disk has 4.7 GB space remaining.

If I tail a bunch of the system logs when running the status checks I see:

ubuntu@myhost:~$ tail -f /var/log/{syslog,mail.log,auth.log} | grep -iEe "dove|sieve"
Mar  2 21:14:07 myhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (no auth attempts in 0 secs): user=<>, rip=111.222.333.444, lip=, TLS handshaking: Disconnected, session=<D9vSslQQbwA2QuTv>
Mar  2 21:14:08 myhost dovecot: managesieve-login: Disconnected (no auth attempts in 0 secs): user=<>, rip=, lip=, secured, session=<3P7hslQQTwB/AAAB>
Mar  2 21:18:01 myhost dovecot: lmtp(3121): Connect from
Mar  2 21:18:01 myhost dovecot: lmtp(3121): Connect from
Mar  2 21:18:01 myhost dovecot: lmtp(3122): Connect from
Mar  2 21:18:01 myhost dovecot: lmtp(3122): Connect from
Mar  2 21:18:01 myhost dovecot: lmtp(3121): Disconnect from Connection closed: Connection reset by peer (in banner)
Mar  2 21:18:01 myhost dovecot: lmtp(3121): Disconnect from Connection closed: Connection reset by peer (in banner)
Mar  2 21:18:01 myhost dovecot: lmtp(3122): Disconnect from Connection closed (in banner)

My bad. You can ignore the check. I’ll remove it in the next update.

Thanks for letting me know. Cheers, Josh!