ns1.box.overlaet.com has address
Host ns1.box.overlaet.com not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
Host ns1.box.overlaet.com not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
Are my ports open ? sudo nmap -sS -p 20-1000
Starting Nmap 6.47 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2015-05-29 16:56 CEST
Nmap scan report for ip-67-205-62-62.nodes.dreamcompute.net (
Host is up (0.17s latency).
Not shown: 974 filtered ports
22/tcp open ssh
25/tcp open smtp
53/tcp open domain
80/tcp open http
443/tcp open https
587/tcp open submission
993/tcp open imaps
I am in talk with the helpdesk and find out why I can’t reach the extra mile…
I ask them to add the PTR record
Just fiddled around back and forth and maybe you can set this somehow and see
if we get a step closer ? 1800 IN PTR box.overlaet.com.
I added the overlaet.com domain to DNS only hosting, and added an A
record for “box” to the floating ip. It has updated reverse dns:
and should resolve properly within around 4 hours. Please keep in mind
this is kind of a workaround and not a real offered feature, so it could
disappear in the future but for now we have no expectations on changing
its behavior.
I have send them my config files and the SOA stuff to understand the issue I’m working on.
They have replied with the message below.
Now I’m not an expert ether but I’m kinda stuck in the middle and really want this to work.
All I know that if you leave everything alone and only point the PTR to the hostname it will be all fine. Not being very theoretical.
I really think to revert your changes and just add the PTR part.
Like I showed you in my previous mail the difference between Digital Ocean
and Dreamhost. Im running my own authoritative name server here.
I may just not understand some of the more complex DNS systems, so sorry
if I’m incorrect here. I’ll do a bit more research on this. From my
current knowledge, the reverse dns record has nothing at all to do with
the domain registration, or what the authoritative nameservers are, or
anything that you need to setup at all. The owner of the ip address
block has to setup the reverse DNS entries, and then these are queried
during a reverse dns lookup. I believe there are setups where the PTR
records can be delegated to other name servers, but we don’t have any way
to setup such a thing.
If you are querying your own authorative name servers for the reverse dns
lookup, this could provide different results.
For example, I just added this domain that isn’t registered and doesn’t
exist into my account, and setup reverse dns for it in our system for my
floating ip.
If I was to wait a few hours and try again, reverse dns on
should come back with reversedns.thisdomainnamedoesntexistandwillstillwork.com. It didn’t
depend on the domain being registered, or having any working dns.
If I’m wrong I would be happy to correct my knowledge of this feature.