Setting up multi-domain ssl certificate

I’m trying to setup a multi-domain certificate. In the admin panel it says:

Install a multi-domain or wildcard certificate for the domain to have it automatically applied to any domains it is valid for.

I purchased a multi-domain ssl from namecheap “POSITIVESSL MULTI DOMAIN”. Used the hostname and installed the certificate including the intermediate chain by clicking on “Install certificate” on
Accessing the webmail from Google Workspace for Business Emails & Collaboration | Pricing | still warns that the certificate is not signed and the same it says in the System Check page. The only domain that has the certificate is

How can I make the certificate work for the rest of the domains ? It says that is supposed to be automatically but doesn’t work and I haven’t setup one before.

Thank you.

Please post the actual domain name so we can see the certificate.

Howdy, did you ever get multi-domain SSL cert to work?

Did you try reloading nginx, dovecot, etc after installing the certificate? Even better would be to just do a full reboot of your server to have everything reload properly.

It was 6 years ago, so I’m betting the server has been rebooted at least once in that time.