Running services on localhost

Hi all,

I would like to use my MiaB server to host one or two more services. These aren’t normal html files I can put in the /www/ folders as they’re docker containers.

Is it possible to reverse proxy a subdomain to a specific port on the MiaB server?

In theory, yes, nginx can do that. Mail-in-a-Box, however, does not support this, so you would have to make the necessary configuration changes manually, which would fall into the category of Unsupported Modifications.

The next question would be whether it is possible to make these changes persistent without Mail-in-a-Box overwriting them during an update, which I’m not sure about to be honest.

Actually, I believe there’s (hidden) built in support for this.
You’ll need to edit a file under /home/user-data/www/custom.yaml with the following content:
    /: http://my.proxied.server.internal.ip:port

I think that should do it, otherwise investigate the file, this is programmed somewhere around line 160.

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