RoundCube Web Client Sort by Flagged

Doing some testing with the system and so far I love it!

A question on RoundCube (and please let me know if there is a better forum to post this).

I am looking to sort by flagged. e.g. Flagged messages appear at the top of the list and then messages by date.

The system will find messages etc but my normal gmail workflow was to keep flagged messages on top for easy reference.

It appears possible in one of the early screenshots but I have tried various interfaces/settings with no luck on the current version.

Am I just missing caffeine?

I am only an occasional user of Roundcube, but I also could not discover a way to do this. You may need to change your workflow to achieve the same results or use a different tool, such as a mail client.

There is also the option to create a second server that is exclusively for a separate Roundcube install. This would open up the option to install more plugins or otherwise customize Roundcube without fighting against the MiaB scripts. I’ve never done this, but I have looked at it and it seems viable.

If you were going to do this then you could probably do the same thing with a different webmail client as well, i.e. SOGo or Rainloop.

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I will see if anyone knows anything else. I had made the assumption that it was likely to work based on the older version/image thats linked from the Mail In A box home page for RoundCube…

Hi, I managed to figure out where the interface shown in the image posted by bluetardis resides.

I found in my installation via my webhost a user interface format called Larry.
I found this by going to settings > Preferences > User Interface

Under user interface is “Interface Skin”, my view default was set for Elastic but found Larry as a option. When selecting Larry, I was given the view from bluetardis’s image which allows you to see the flag for flagged emails.

Additional settings that will help get the correct view are as follows:
Settings > Mailbox view - Layout - change to “list (no mail preview)”

For all setting changes, do not forget to click the save button in each changed setting.

I hope this information helps others.