Reverse dns / PTR

hi all,

i own a C IP class and have couple of domains on same number of public ip’s. each domain has miab installed and system status check tells me that reverse dns isn’t set. how can i implement rdns for these domains? it could be implemented on each miab?

Depending who owns the public IPs they can make a PTR record. Your ISP, your cloud provider and more and more yourself in the admin page of the instance if your servers are in the cloud.

hi, as i told earlier, i own the ip class (a C class), i am my cloud provider, i have a full rack in a datacenter, an as number and a bgp connection with the internet provider. he told me that i need to implement reverse zone…

i know that in bind i can do it, but don’t know how to do in miab as nsd it’s modified on update/upgrade script

This is the same question as here: posted by you.
How to create a reverse zone - Unsupported Modifications - Mail-in-a-Box Forum (

Did you manage to do it back then?
Never tried it on MIAB, as you are the owner of the IPs, but I believe the syntax in the zone is your IP in reverse order.
E.g. would be stored under “”.
Maybe @MarthinL or @miabuser might help.
But this might be overwritten by an update.

You can bring your own IPs to CloudFlare if you own or control them and make a PTR record there. Read this: Reverse zones and PTR records · Cloudflare DNS docs
Note that in CloudFlare, If you are adding less than 200 PTR records, select the Free plan. If you are adding more, select a paid plan.
Add the two Cloudflare nameservers (or the MIAB nameservers) for the zone at your Regional Internet Registry (RIR).

What is ICANN Lookup saying about your public IPs. Are you the owner. Check there.