Retrieving mail from external domains

I want to receive mail from an external address that does not offer a forwarding service.

What is the preferred way of doing this with Mailinabox?

I’m thinking fetchmail and cron but I don’t want to break anything.

Fetchmail seems to be working fine. Doesn’t even require cron.

Something like this would be useful to help migrate email accounts to Mail-in-a-box for others I presume.

Hello and thank you for the excellent work done with mail in a box…
Actually, having a fetchmail plugin in roundcube webmail would be a nice feature
I think that this is the only thing that mail ia box lacks.

Kind regards

Just to provide some direction for people who found this thread by searching, fetchmail does work fine. Log in to the default account via ssh then follow the directions here:

The only thing you need to do different is in the /etc/fetchmailrc file, you need to give the full email address of the mailinabox user. So eg instead of the example given:

poll pop.someprovider.tld protocol POP3 user “falko@someprovider.tld” there with password “secret” is falko here

You’d do:

poll pop.someprovider.tld protocol POP3 user “falko@someprovider.tld” there with password “secret” is here

where ‘’ is whatever the user’s email address is on your mailinabox machine.

Hope that helps someone - not knowing I needed to put the full email address stumped me for a couple of days.

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