I am trying to move MIAB to a new server. I am struggling with the restore process. Everything seems fine but after the duplicity restore process there is no new data in /home/user-data/. Weird is the disk space decreases as I’d expect. But I’m not able to locate any new files.
My backup is on S3 and the download and decryption seems OK. The backup should have approx. 23 GB. After following the tutorial incl. re-setupping MIAB I end with adecquately lower disk space and a clear box. There are no restored settings, users etc. The droplet comes absolutely clean with 18.04.
In your first screen shot, it looks like you’re restoring to ‘home/user-data’ – NOT ‘/home/user-data’ – you’re missing the first /. In your screen shot, you’re logged in as root in the folder ~, so, it looks like you’re restoring to /root/home/user-data.
Do the files exist in your root user’s home folder? If so, you could just move them from /root/home/user-data folder to /home/user-data.
If they don’t exist, if you restore again, make sure you have that initial / in the command. Your command should look similar to the following (you’ll have to update the xxxx in the S3 path to be correct):