[RESOLVED] Updating system packages

After giving up trying to set this up behind a NAT, I grabbed a VPS to start my setup again from scratch…

So I’ve got a fresh 14.04 Ubuntu (on OpenVZ), and running the following via SSH:
apt-get update
apt-get install curl
curl -s https://mailinabox.email/bootstrap.sh | sudo bash

I get through the initial configuration and get stuck on “Updating system packages…”

Where should I look for some logs about what’s going on?

OpenVZ messes up something with the bind9 package. If you CTRL+C it, you should see that apt-get is waiting for some user input. The hang is (hopefully) fixed already for the next release of Mail-in-a-Box, although I don’t know if that will make it work on OpenVZ. That will need more help.

Thanks Josh,

I was despairing a little last night reading all the issues with OpenVZ and Mail-in-a-Box - I had almost given up!

In the end the problem was a little more simple: update sources & packages. Can’t believe I hadn’t tried it before. After doing update && upgrade the install completed OK. I’ve got to the system status checks page now, and I’ll do some testing a bit later to see if everything is functional.

So far so good!

I got the latest version of MIAB to load in OpenVZ host from VPSCHEAP.NET which was amazing.
Didn’t even know this was a problem until now.

Thanks for the information!