Reinstalling server broke DNS

Hey I just went to godaddy, set all dns settings to default and back again and now it works just fine ( except for the main domain but I think that will just take some time ) but all other domains are working, I will completely switch from godaddy as soon as I can after this

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Mine was the same. Just stopped working randomly. Turning off DNSSec got it working for a few weeks, but then it supped working again randomly and the only thing that brought it back up was using GoDaddy as the nameservers.

Good! @Noodles
I see you use IPv6 as well. If you wish to improve deliverability disable Ipv6 outgoing mail as most mailbox providers consider Ipv6 mail as spam no matter your proper ptr record. Incoming Ipv6 mail will still be functional.

Follow this to edit On updates is not modified so no worries about that.