The quotas implementation has been updated to include changes in v0.42b.
The repository is here
The quotas implementation has been updated to include changes in v0.42b.
The repository is here
Hi Jrsupplee,
I have been using your Quotas, and now I tried to go from 0.43 to 0.44. I kept getting an error for GIT.
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:
Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge.
SO I googled this, and used the command
Now I keep getting this error when I execute your script:
Updating Mail-in-a-Box to v0.44-quota-0.22-beta . . .
fatal: Couldn’t find remote ref refs/tags/v0.44-quota-0.22-beta
error: pathspec ‘v0.44-quota-0.22-beta’ did not match any file(s) known to git.
Update failed. Did you modify something in /root/mailinabox?
I tried doing
sudo setup/
But that still doesn’t help get it upgraded.
Any help on this matter would be really appreciated.
I really love your Quota Implementation.
So I tried the following:
sudo bash setup/
, i keep getting the same errorsudo setup/
, and that upgraded me to v0.44-quota-0.20-betaSo now, atleast my QUOTA are working.
But how do I go from v0.44-quota-0.20-beta to v0.44-quota-0.22-beta
The script: sudo bash setup/
, keeps giving me the following error:
Updating Mail-in-a-Box to v0.44-quota-0.22-beta . . .
fatal: Couldn’t find remote ref refs/tags/v0.44-quota-0.22-beta
error: pathspec ‘v0.44-quota-0.22-beta’ did not match any file(s) known to git.
Update failed. Did you modify something in /root/mailinabox?
Any help at all on this error, would be really really helpful … I’m willing to try
The scary thing is that on the GitHub site for the quota fork, there is no version 0.44-quota-0.20-beta listed in the change log.
Maybe opening an issue on the fork’s page would help?
Thanks for the update.
I messaged Jrsupplee here too, and opened an issues on GitHub
Ok perfect. That worked. Jrsupplee immdiately fixed it. Thank you all for the quick support