Quota support (2020 current info)

I am frequently seeing the question asked if Mail-in-a-Box supports quotas.

The answer is no. However a member of this community @jrsupplee has forked MiaB and is maintaining a version of MiaB which does indeed support quotas.

Please see his github for more information at:


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Embarrassed to admit that I do not know how to install this version on my server. I understand that to install the “standard MiaB” i use: curl -s https://mailinabox.email/setup.sh | sudo -E bash but how do I implement GitHub - jrsupplee/mailinabox: Experimental quotas for Mail-in-a-Box?

Thanks for your feedback

I have never used it, but it looks like a fork of MiaB, so you would switch to using the fork.

The install instructions appear the same as MiaB. Someone should confirm that you can directly install to an already installed MiaB, as that is how it appears to me to be installed.

@jrsupplee has confirmed to me that you can switch FROM the quota fork back to the main fork of MiaB, however I do not know for certain that the reverse is true. I would imagine though that it is…

Ignore the reference to v0.4x-quota.

Go to the GitHub link given above and look at the readme.md.

He tells you exactly how to install new or upgrade an existing MiaB.

His fork works very well. I have been running it for almost two years. 3 different VPS vendors.


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Thanks I appreciate it.

Ok great to know that this is “stable”.

Going from MaiB to the fork adds some database stuff and tweaks the admin screens.

Going back just ignores the database entries and uses the original admin screens.

I hope I am not over simplifying jrsuplee’s fine work.

I run an email server at Linode in Atlanta, one in Romania, and one in AWS Lightsail.

MaiB with Quotas is stable. Only issues are those around IP address reputations, but that is true of MaiB.

When joshdata issues a new release a few days later jrsuplee issues a new release.


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This is indeed the case. You should be able to switch back and forth without a problem.


@jrsupplee +❤️ for awesome fork.

Works like a charm, great job.
And thanks to Josh for creating this awesome project.

Did the clone and ran the setup
got the following near the end:

Updating system packages…
Installing system packages…
Initializing system random number generator…
Firewall is active and enabled on system startup
Installing nsd (DNS server)…
Installing Postfix (SMTP server)…
Installing Dovecot (IMAP server)…
Installing OpenDKIM/OpenDMARC…
Installing SpamAssassin…
Installing Nginx (web server)…
Installing Roundcube (webmail)…
Installing Nextcloud (contacts/calendar)…
Upgrading Nextcloud — backing up existing installation, configuration, and database to directory to /home/user-data/owncloud-backup/2021-09-26-10:30:30…

Upgrading to Nextcloud version 20.0.1

An unhandled exception has been thrown:
OC\HintException: [0]: Downgrading is not supported and is likely to cause unpredictable issues (from to ()

Did the update complete successfully ?

It doesn’t seem like the quotas fork is maintained anymore.

I would suggest not using it this point and time. It’s been over a year with no updates or merging.

I have asked John what the status of the project is in the github issues tracker: v64 · Issue #23 · jrsupplee/mailinabox · GitHub

I know that Ubuntu 22.04 LTS isn’t supported yet with the quotas fork and I’m not sure anyone should consider installing a fresh copy of 18.04 LTS.

Perhaps More power to Mail-in-a-box (fork showcase)
would be an alternative. @davness This supports Ubuntu 22.04 right? I think even this project is way behind v65 of the overall project.

Honestly I wish this project would just support quota’s natively. ( but I get that everyone is working here just to maintain what we have, so thank you )

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Hi (it’s been a while), chiming in.

Currently on a bit of a hiatus as lately there are quite a few things on my plate :sweat_smile:. But I’m looking to bring my fork into v65 hopefully by the end of the year (no promises though).

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