Problems with DNS after Rebuild (Fixed)

Recently did a rebuild on DO droplet, restored backup files. But System Status Checks page is showing all kinds of DNS errors. I rebuilt the droplet so I maintained the existing IP… Not sure why the DNS problems. Everything at my registrar looks good, didn’t change anything. Would appreciate some help.

In full disclosure during re-install of MIAB I got some

WARN: uid is 0 but ‘/’ is owned by 108

not sure if related or not…

Hi, If you’d like to PM me your hostname, I can take a look at DNS, but I suspect that everything is fine. In my experience, MiaB often shows such DNS errors when in fact all is good. Most likely, they can be ignored.

Not related. I have encountered this before. I believe it was due to MiaB being installed using a sudo user rather than root itself. I do not recall that it had any negative effect.

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Nameserver records can take up to 48 hours to propagate. If you just did this today, then you must just wait.

Thought about that, waited 36hours before asking for help.

In my very limited understanding; if the IP is the same and none of the records were changed, what needs to propagate?

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Ahh, but that is not quite true … the DKIM record will be different as the key was generated on a different server. Other records may be affected in a similar manner.

The problem has been resolved. Thanks to alento who was able to diagnose and come up with a solution in 20mins. I just want to take a moment to let you regular linux users know how much us noobs appreciate your help. I had been working on this issue for a couple of days, and like I said alento was able to fix it in 20mins.

In case anyone else ever runs into this issue:

The issue was an orphan/artifact cname record in the custom DNS.

This record couldn’t be deleted using the custom DNS page in the Miab control panel


but the nds.log showed it was the issue

root@box:/var/log# more nsd.log
[1547052476] nsd[6504]: error: CNAME and other data at the same name
[1547052476] nsd[6504]: error: CNAME and other data at the same name
[1547052476] nsd[6504]: error: CNAME and other data at the same name
[1547052476] nsd[6504]: error: CNAME and other data at the same name
[1547052476] nsd[6504]: error: CNAME and other data at the same name
[1547052476] nsd[6504]: error: zone file read with 11 errors
[1547052476] nsd[6504]: notice: nsd started (NSD 4.0.1), pid 6501
[1547068701] nsd[6504]: warning: signal received, shutting down…
[1547068701] nsd[6501]: error: xfrd: error writing shutdown to main: Broken pipe

The solution was to remove the offending record with the API: (replace XXXX.XXX & PASSWORD with your actual settings.)

curl -X DELETE --user admin@XXXX.XXX:PASSWORD https://box.XXXX.XXX/admin/dns/custom/XXXX.XXX/cname

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