I have two mail domains, one that is handled on my MiaB and a second hosted at my ISP.
Unfortunately, my email provider is incapable of adding good DNSBL lists to their mail server, so I receive a lot of SPAM for any account on the second domain.
Is it possible to use my MiaB as a mail washer for the second domain?
I am thinking of
getting an abusix API key
setting up my box
– to use abusix DNSBL
– to accept all mails for my second domain
– forward all mails for my second domain 1:1 to the ISP mail server
configure DNS for second domain
– MX 10 to my MiaB
– MX 20 to my ISPs mail server in case my box breaks
Is this possible? Any suggestions to solve this in a better way? How can I configure MiaB postfix so it works as intended?
Hi Alento,
Many thanks for that valuable feedback. If you have a recommendation for a specific service, I would much appreciate getting it.
As of now, my ISP is not very cooperative and does not support using an existing or integrating an external service of that kind, even for more than “a few bucks a month”.
I can assure you that money is not the limiting factor here.
Do you have some input regarding my other questions? So far, I did manage to configure postfix by manually editing main.cf and creating a couple of map files. However, I am unsure if such manual changes are the designed way to implement. I see a potential risk that my manual changes get overwritten when doing some admin by Web UI or upgrading to a newer version of MiaB.