Port 25 blocked by VPS provider

So my VPS provider has blocked port 25 on my server’s IP, apparently due to spam. I’ve had a bit of a look at mail.log & auth.log but I can’t see any unauthorized use of the server and I know authenticated users haven’t been spamming. Also, the VPS provider’s logs indicate very low outbound bandwidth usage.

The VPS provider has suggested I use port 587 for mail service.

Is is possible my server is being used an a spam relay? If so, how can I prevent it? Or, is my VPS provider full of it? :stuck_out_tongue:

Running 0.09 (can’t update to 0.10 without port 25 open…)

You’d see that in the logs.

why not ask them to unblock you - worth a try.
I know Vultr will unblock it if you ask, maybe your provider will too- just don’t spam out!

Edit: Sorry I do not think I read your message fully before replying. I would check the logs, like Josh suggested: cat /var/log/mail.log | more

That’s what I figured. I haven’t found anything unusual in the log (the usual failed sign-in attempts).

I’ve asked the VPS provider to unblock me and they’re being recalcitrant. If I don’t get any joy I’ll have to migrate to another provider. Recommendations? :wink:

I use both Vultr and Digital Ocean, both are great. If you do try vultr be sure to ask them to open port 25.

Well I’ve been hassling my provider (AlphaRacks, btw, so let that be a warning!) and haven’t got anywhere and they’ve stopped responding to my tickets.

I’ll be migrating to a new provider shortly - I guess I can test the backup/restore function now. :wink:

if you use 587 to send email, why do you need port 25 open?
My port 25 was opened, but when I block it, I can’t receive emails at all.
Since 25 is to send an email why do I need port 25 to receive them, is it because it helps resolved my DNS MX?