Owncloud invite not working (should it)?


We deployed mailinabox, I really needed our email server to not suck on spam ratings anymore and it is now a joy, I can email people and it gets there… THANKS!!

Some of the people in my company are using the owncloud calendar (I do as well) but they want to invite external parties and expect an email with a calendar invite to go out. Now this does not seem to happen, even if you invite someone internally it does not get added to his calendar, though you can share meeting calendars. Is this expected behaviour or is my installation broken?

Any suggestions on how to fix this?

ownCloud Calendar has some bugs with the sharing :grin:
Thats becasue an old and unsupported version is used in Mail-in-a-Box.

It will be fixed in the coming versions. I am working on an update to the completely reworked ownCloud 9 Calendar and Contacts App with their new DAV backends :wink:

I thought MIAB was moving away from Owncloud?

Any idea when a owncloud 9 will be available? I’d be happy to test… at this point I am looking at the horde components or the kolab stuff or something in that camp and using miab as a mail server only (which it really kicks arse at), but if I can have it all in one place that would be great… if I can help in any way, I’d be happy to try to.

Would there be a upgrade path or will it be a clean restart?


We have ended up the discussion at the point, that we try to fix our bugs with ownCloud (by upgrading to ownCloud 9 and its new DAV Backend). There are no concrete plans for moving to an alternative.

I will create a test branch with ownCloud 9 with calendar and contacts in the coming days. I am working on it :wink: …if there is anything you can test, i will let you know! You’re welcome at https://github.com/mail-in-a-box/mailinabox (there we are discussing bugs and the code - maybe you can fix something yourself and make Mail-in-a-Box greater!)

Upgrading should work with an stable version of Mail-in-a-Box, by simply running the installation scripts again :wink: …in my current development state I have not test the migration to ownCloud 9 and the new DAV Backend yet :grin:

@aspdye how it that OwnCloud 9 coming along? Invites not working is a real show stopper for me, so how can I help?

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