Hi, since v0.15 I’ve noticed, that something is wrong with IPv6 on my system .
The status check reports Public DNS (nsd4) is running and available over IPv4 but is not accessible over IPv6 at 2a01:xxx:120:404a::2 port 53.
I am unsure whether this has to do with MIAB or something else.
The IPv6 is public, pingable and the domain resolves to the IP but port 53 is closed - even locally on the server with “localhost” as address:
nmap -p 53 -6 2a01:xxx:120:404a::2
Starting Nmap 6.47 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2016-01-12 11:17 CET
Nmap scan report for confab.example.com (2a01:xxx:120:404a::2)
Host is up (0.030s latency).
53/tcp closed domain
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.12 seconds
but nsd is listening on port 53:
lsof -i :53
nginx 2112 www-data 16u IPv4 18854 0t0 UDP localhost.localdomain:38573->localhost.localdomain:domain
nginx 2113 www-data 15u IPv4 25600 0t0 UDP localhost.localdomain:47345->localhost.localdomain:domain
named 3670 bind 20u IPv4 17389 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:domain (LISTEN)
named 3670 bind 512u IPv4 17388 0t0 UDP localhost.localdomain:domain
named 3670 bind 513u IPv4 17388 0t0 UDP localhost.localdomain:domain
named 3670 bind 514u IPv4 17388 0t0 UDP localhost.localdomain:domain
named 3670 bind 515u IPv4 17388 0t0 UDP localhost.localdomain:domain
named 3670 bind 516u IPv4 17388 0t0 UDP localhost.localdomain:domain
named 3670 bind 517u IPv4 17388 0t0 UDP localhost.localdomain:domain
named 3670 bind 518u IPv4 17388 0t0 UDP localhost.localdomain:domain
named 3670 bind 519u IPv4 17388 0t0 UDP localhost.localdomain:domain
nsd 4278 nsd 3u IPv4 23764 0t0 UDP confab.example.com:domain
nsd 4278 nsd 4u IPv6 23765 0t0 UDP [2001:xxx:1000:a:8000:0:4e2e:4942]:domain
nsd 4278 nsd 5u IPv4 23766 0t0 TCP confab.example.com:domain (LISTEN)
nsd 4278 nsd 6u IPv6 23767 0t0 TCP [2001:xxx:1000:a:8000:0:4e2e:4942]:domain (LISTEN)
nsd 4281 nsd 3u IPv4 23764 0t0 UDP confab.example.com:domain
nsd 4281 nsd 4u IPv6 23765 0t0 UDP [2001:xxx:1000:a:8000:0:4e2e:4942]:domain
nsd 4281 nsd 5u IPv4 23766 0t0 TCP confab.example.com:domain (LISTEN)
nsd 4281 nsd 6u IPv6 23767 0t0 TCP [2001:xxx:1000:a:8000:0:4e2e:4942]:domain (LISTEN)
nsd 4284 nsd 3u IPv4 23764 0t0 UDP confab.example.com:domain
nsd 4284 nsd 4u IPv6 23765 0t0 UDP [2001:xxx:1000:a:8000:0:4e2e:4942]:domain
nsd 4284 nsd 5u IPv4 23766 0t0 TCP confab.example.com:domain (LISTEN)
nsd 4284 nsd 6u IPv6 23767 0t0 TCP [2001:xxx:1000:a:8000:0:4e2e:4942]:domain (LISTEN)
And the firewall does not block port 53:
To Action From
-- ------ ----
22 ALLOW Anywhere
53 ALLOW Anywhere
25/tcp ALLOW Anywhere
587 ALLOW Anywhere
993 ALLOW Anywhere
80 ALLOW Anywhere
443 ALLOW Anywhere
995 ALLOW Anywhere
22 (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6)
53 (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6)
25/tcp (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6)
587 (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6)
993 (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6)
80 (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6)
443 (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6)
995 (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6)
Also really strange: After a day or a few I have to reboot the server, because the public IPv6 becomes unreachable. I’ve already contacted the hosting company but they’ve found nothing suspicious. The server (dedicated not virtual) is a fresh install and currently running on Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS. All I’ve installed was MIAB + nmap.
Does anyone have an idea what’s going on or what could be the cause for this?