"Nice" URLs in custom.yaml

Hi, I have my server setup and everything running perfectly. Great job guys. I have one small change I would love -> I have a website setup with a couple of static HTML pages, one of them is:


and would like to print the address on my bills as


and would like to redirect this “nice” url to the one on the top. I setup a custom.yaml file (/home/user-data/www/custom.yaml) containing

    ^/agb: https://mydomain.cc/sundry_de.html#abgs

but this didn’t seem to help at all (I did a reboot).

What am I doing wrong?


OK, now the redirect works (there seems to be some job or other that runs @ 3 that processes this file) but… I am getting the error:

Error Provisioning TLS Certificate

sent to me daily
any ideas?

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