My Mail-In-A-Box Domain Is Being Blacklisted By SpamHaus And I Cannot Even SEND From My Domain

I keep looking into this.

This topic seems to indicate that there IS a process whereby MIAB would block sending the email at all: Blocked But Not Blacklisted - I am referring to @openletter 's comment.

I found the following line in /etc/postfix/ :


I am not a coder. Is that a line of programming that will prevent MIAB from sending from a domain that is listed @ (which is where my problem domain has gotten listed).

If it is, how do I edit that line to turn that OFF? (and I’m guessing I would need to RE-edit that line every time I update MIAB).

The post I referred to says there are TWO places where sending can be blocked. Any of you wonderfully smart people know where the other one is?