Migration to a new server

I finally migrate with rsync, actually very easy, here is my howto:

the scenario: old MIAB running on old system (with broken hardware) on ip aa.bb.cc.dd
install a fresh MIAB on new hardware from scratch in ip aa.bb.cc.ee
new server has same domainname as the old one

fix the “PIP” issue reported on Brand new Installation fails at pip upgrade
by add >>>export DEB_PYTHON_INSTALL_LAYOUT=‘deb’<<< before! running the install script
then rsync as root /home to new server
root@oldserver:~# rsync -avz /home/ root@newserver:/home/
shut down old server
then find all ip’s aa.bb.cc.ee on new server and replace with aa.bb.cc.dd to run the new server on old server’s ip by find /etc/. -type f -exec grep aa.bb.cc.ee {} ; -print
reboot new server - done

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