MiaB behind reverse proxy - 502 Bad Gateway error


I’ve been unable to access any of the webapp portion of MiaB from when using my domain name (going to https:// box.abc.xyz/mail), hitting a 502 error.

When directly using my external IP I’m able to bring up the admin panel, but doing so from the intranet similarly hits that 502 error.

I have an Nginx reverse proxy for my domain (multiple different apps), and it is routing https:// box.abc.xyz to my internal IP (

I’ve tried reinstalling MiaB multiple times, restarting services, checking ufw to no avail.

I feel like there must be some security feature on v70 that requires the request come from my external IP, otherwise throw, but I’m not sure how to test that theory. Any advice / suggestions would be greatly appreciated and thank you in advance!

This is an unssuported modification.
There is pleanty to read on this forum. You may start here: Recommendation for reverse proxy front-end?

If you go the nginx way you must restore the config each update. As for ver. 70 read the changelog. I don’t think there are any alterations in terms of running a reverse proxy. As for the PTR record probably your mail will finish in SPAM.

Thanks for the response! I realized I forgot to mention in the original post that the reverse proxy is not in the MiaB box (separate docker container that does just that). This system worked with an old version of MiaB (v57a :sweat_smile:) but after updating this issue has emerged.

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