MIAB as smart relay host for my other PCs. and not being spamfilterd

HI Guys,

I am using MIAB file for the past year. I got a few Rasberry PI’s with a Secure CAM, like PiKrellCAM.

I have setup PiKrellCAM with SSMTP’s setting like this,


and I am using mpack to send some motion deteced pictured to my mail
mpack -s test $PREVIEW_JPEG peter.cha@xxxx.com

I always got email from pi@xxxx.com being placed into SPAM folder, not INBOX. Even I tried with filter setting in user setting.

However, If I am using ssmtp directly to send mail to same adress, it’s not spam filtered.

I have created users for pi@xxxx.com on the box and use its setting as account.

What’s caused spam? is that of actual attachement? or subject? How do I do to chagne that?

Thanks in advance

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