MIAB and main Nextcloud, how to contact and calender?

Hey, i am using a main NextCloud installation on server A and the MIAB installation on server B. Now i have the problem that i have Contacts and Calender in both servers.

I need an advice how to handle this, i have this options at the moment:

  1. uninstall contacts and calender on server A and weblink to server B (MIAB) from inside NC UI between this two
  2. Sync this two with Z-Push
  3. Change nextcloud server for MIAB

What do you think i can do, maybe a better solution? Also, for option 2 and 3 i don’t know how to do it.

hmmm depends on what you plan to do with your contacts/calendars. Will you be working on MIAB’s webmail interface, then perhaps keeping the contacts there for ease. Otherwise, just keep them on the Nextcloud server. This is entirely personal preference.

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