Mailinabox doesn't add user to nextcloud

Hello! :slight_smile:

i have a strange problem, when i add a new account with the /admin i don’t have access to the nextcloud,
i don’t have any user in the nextcloud (with occ user:list),

Do i have to enable something ?


I don’t use the unsupported NextCloud Admin hack, so I’m just guessing…

I think that this particular configuration has Nextcloud tapping into the MIAB user directory, so occ commands aren’t going to work in the traditional way.

Just a guess until someone else comes along with something better.

Bottom line…can this new user log into their NextCloud services?

No they can’t :confused:
That’s why i checked that with the occ.


Can the user log in via IMAP? We use dovecot for the authentication in MIAB and connected Nextcloud to that. I haven’t been able to reproduce this.

Yes the user was able to connect to IMAP,
in fact during the installation process, i’ve got error like this “unable to load calandars” “unable to load contacts”, (the nextcloud hasn’t this) i had to manually install contact and calandar apps :confused:

That sounds like the underlying issue. What happens when you rerun the setup? What were the error messages?

owncloud app:enable contacts ----------------------------------------- contacts not found -----------------------------------------
owncloud app:enable calandar----------------------------------------- calandar not found -----------------------------------------

Where those the previous messages or is that the rerun of the setup? Are these the only messages? Because this happens after the setup of those apps.

I don’t have them anymore…
I can retry if you want :slight_smile:

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