Mailinabox behind mikrotik router


I Installed succesfully mailinabox 0.19a on my Ubuntu Server 14.04.5 (clean install).
I forward ports on my mikrotik correctly - 25,22,53 tcp, 53 udp, 443, 80, 587, 993, 995, 4190 and i check it with paping, evertything is good with forward and ports are open.
I can send and receive mail from and to mailinabox and gmail (not spam) but I still get warnings in status check page:

SSH Login (ssh) is running but is not publicly accessible at

Public DNS (nsd4) is not running (port 53).

Incoming Mail (SMTP/postfix) is running but is not publicly accessible at

Outgoing Mail (SMTP 587/postfix) is running but is not publicly accessible at

IMAPS (dovecot) is running but is not publicly accessible at

Mail Filters (Sieve/dovecot) is running but is not publicly accessible at

HTTP Web (nginx) is running but is not publicly accessible at

HTTPS Web (nginx) is running but is not publicly accessible at

I have no idea what I did wrong.

Btw: Mailinabox is great! Good Job! Thank You!

DNS port 53 is UDP not TCP, so make sure when forwarding you select UDP as the protocol.

For all other ports (That I know of) they are TCP ONLY.

It has to do with running your box behind a router. I had been running my server for almost a year with the same errors you have until I had this reply on my thread.

Btw. If you are hosting your server yourself on a private network you don’t have to have ssh access. I have a vpn that connects to the network I’m hosting my server on so I disabled public ssh access for added security, I just ignore the ssh error on the status checks page.

Thank You!

Its working now!

Solution for me:

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