Is it still possible to relay outbound mail from other servers via the Mail-in-a-Box

Is it still possible to relay through mailinabox from a remote machine?

The online howto refers to Ubuntu 14.04, and when I follow it my mail.log just has a lot of:
Sender address rejected: not owned by user


Yes, if it is done correctly. I will review that material tomorrow and see what (if anything) is outdated in it.

It sounds though that you are sending with a user that is not authorized on the MiaB? I usually suggest that the sending email address is the same as the email user on MiaB.

Thanks - you’re awesome.

“It sounds though that you are sending with a user that is not authorized on the MiaB?”

That’s what’s confusing about it - I set it all up as per the instructions with a MiaB user. But the error seems to suggest that’s not actually carrying through when sending, or similar.

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