Installed SSL Certificate causing errors in admin area

Wow, thanks for the detailed and helpful reply!

A was ashamed to admit, that I was running MIAB version 0.16 because earlier upgrades I tried always turned into a complete mess that I wasn’t able to fix. But I ran the upgrade now with no problems (after deleting contents of ssl folder, as you suggested)
I now have a beautiful, all green status for the box, thanks to you!

So does this mean that I don’t need to purchase another ssl certificate to use MIAB?

The only problem I’m having after upgrade is when I try to login to one of the nine mailboxes in roundcube.
I get a 504 bad gateway error, while all of the other mailboxes login immediately and work fine.
I understand that this is an issue for another topic, but wanted to put it in for the record.

A note for future upgraders:
I ran:
sudo mailinabox
sudo /etc/init.d/nginx reload
on v0.16 before running:
curl -s | sudo bash

It may not make a difference, but thought I’d mention it just to make sure.