I can't access from outside of my net ¿Firewall problem?

I have mail in a box installed in my machine. All seems that works fine. All ports neeeded are mapped to my server. I can send mails and receive mails from other domains.

But I need to connect to the accounts by mail clients (k9mail in androids and “mail” in iphones). It seems that there are no connection when i try to configure the mail clients. This is the settings that i put in the clients:
server: I try with “subdomain.dyndns.org” and “box.subdomain.dyndns.org”.
security: SSL
port: 993
user: account@subdomain.dyndns.org
pass: thepasswordoftheaccount

I try with starttls and with no security too.

When i try to connect, the clients are waiting for a long time and then says “Cannot connect to server”.

I think that it is any firewall rule inside of the “mail-in-a-box”. ¿How can i fix it?

Is not a firewall problem. I did “sudo ufw disable” and it not solve this trouble

¿Any idea to solve this?

I forget to write this. I need push mail too. I have to activate it or it is allowed by default?

Reading this question, I assume you run MiAB on your local subnet at home.

Being accessible from your home network, even with dynamic dns means the firewall rules are correct.

But not accessible from outside … In my opinion 2 options:

  1. your router doesn’t allow forwarding to your box
  2. does your MiAB have a default route?

in de shell:

ip route

default via xx.yy.zz.aa dev eth0
xx.yy.zz…0/24 dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src xx.yy.zz.aa

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