How to setup glue and nameservers using Cloudflare/namecheap

I read a few other posts but nothing fixes my problem directly.

So I have a domain from namecheap. using cloudflare so its pointed to cloudflare Nameservers.

I installed mailinabox on a seperate server then the site at the box. subdomain.

When I looked on how to at the on namecheap itself the tutorial didnt match my options and no way to put

I attempted to add it in cloudflare as ns- name “ns1” value "

Im not sure how to properly set it up so domain is actually working properly. Any help is appreciated.

In your case, you are using External DNS.

You will not set glue records. You will not use nor

Once your MiaB is set up, which it sounds as it is already, you will go to the Admin page System>External DNS and copy the settings found there into your DNS with Cloudflare manually.

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