How to monitor number of mails sent/received by MIAB or a user?

Hey guys,

Since I didn’t know how to check this … munin is giving me the server stats … and some postfix informations, but not what I wanted… maybe I’m missing something?

I ended installing pflogsumm:

apt-get install pflogsumm 

and setting a cron to run and send me an email with the results:

pflogsumm /var/log/mail.log.1 | formail -c -I"Subject: Mail Statistics" -I"From:" -I"To:" -I"Received: from ([])" | sendmail

but I’m getting the log from all last week:

Grand Totals

    527   received
    519   delivered
      0   forwarded
      0   deferred
     17   bounced
    169   rejected (24%)
      0   reject warnings
      0   held
      0   discarded (0%)

  30972k  bytes received
  30960k  bytes delivered
     84   senders
     64   sending hosts/domains
      7   recipients
      5   recipient hosts/domains

Per-Day Traffic Summary
    date          received  delivered   deferred    bounced     rejected
    Oct 11 2015        29         28          0          2         20 
    Oct 12 2015        75         74          0          2         24 
    Oct 13 2015        75         74          0          2         15 
    Oct 14 2015        96         95          0          3         26 
    Oct 15 2015        75         74          0          2         11 
    Oct 16 2015        89         88          0          2         24 
    Oct 17 2015        31         30          0          2         23 
    Oct 18 2015        45         44          0          2         23 
    Oct 19 2015        12         12          0          0          3 

does anyone know if it is safe to rotate the mail.log on a daily basis? does it impact MIAB in anyway?


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It’s safe to change that setting, though it may be overwritten by Mail-in-a-Box on updates.

Also pflogsumm -d yesterday would work.