I have created zone files for other domains in /etc/nsd/zones and also added them to /etc/nsd.conf.d/zones.conf.
But this is not showing up in Custom DNS page. I checked /home/user-data/dns/custom.yaml but it doesn’t look like it has everything Custom DNS page already has.
Could you link the guide please? If there is one. The initial domains (mail. and box.) are added by the script. Yes there is setup guide which tells you to setup the nameservers and glue records, etc but it doesn’t tell you how to add a new domain.
So if I add a new user with new domain using the cli, it will show up?
root@mail:~/mailinabox/management# ./cli.py
management/cli.py user (lists users)
management/cli.py user add user@domain.com [password]
management/cli.py user password user@domain.com [password]
management/cli.py user remove user@domain.com
management/cli.py user make-admin user@domain.com
management/cli.py user remove-admin user@domain.com
management/cli.py user admins (lists admins)
management/cli.py user mfa show user@domain.com (shows MFA devices for user, if any)
management/cli.py user mfa disable user@domain.com [id] (disables MFA for user)
management/cli.py alias (lists aliases)
management/cli.py alias add incoming.name@domain.com sent.to@other.domain.com
management/cli.py alias add incoming.name@domain.com 'sent.to@other.domain.com, multiple.people@other.domain.com'
management/cli.py alias remove incoming.name@domain.com
Removing a mail user does not delete their mail folders on disk. It only prevents IMAP/SMTP login.