How to delete A records generated by MIAB?


New MIAB user and thoroughly impressed! Following the instructions the box is set up with a dedicated domain to manage the box.

I added a new user for second domain which has its DNS managed by AWS Route 53 for a site behind a WAF & Cloudfront. I added the appropriate DNS records at Route 53 pointing to my MIAB and mail is working. YAY!

When I look at the MIAB control panel > external DNS, there are DNS settings (A records) for the second domain which conflict with the A records at Route 53.

I tried to use the API under custom DNS to delete the A records:

curl -X DELETE --user email:pass

It seems to work and doesn’t return any errors but the records are still there. How do I delete these records ?

Thank you!

Don’t delete the A record … simply ignore it for any domains that do not have DNS served from your MiaB server. If seeing the incorrect record bothers you, make an entry into the Custom DNS page with the correct entry.

In either case, all DNS entries for the second domain are ignored as MiaB is not the name server for the domain.

@alento Thank you for your follow up. I’ll ignore the records. Reading through the install instructions and forum I understood further configuration was required. I can’t believe how easy this was to set up.

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