Hetzner ObjectStore for Backup

He all,

I was about to explore the option to use the Hetzner Objectstore (Minio) as Backup. Followed the configuration and added the necessary information but still get the error:

An error occurred (NoSuchKey) when calling the ListObjectsV2 operation: None

I am not sure which object is missing one from that error when my configuration looks like the following

Maybe someone has already set that up - the bucket name is the same as the first part of the S3 hostname and I found that you should create a folder in the bucket in a different thread about minio for backup to be able to use the bucket.

Did anyone else is using this and got it working or has an idea what could be the reason for the error?


Sorry I cannot help you but please respond if there is a free tier on hetzner or is object store free? Are there any free buckets?

There is no free tier or object store.

The object store is free of charge while in beta, but will be charged per stored data and traffic on that data. The beta is considered to be until November.

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