I have everything working as explained in the setup guide!
I’m trying to add a additional domain to forward to a CNAME (amazon Load balancer)
www.example.com forwards to the cname properly as intended but what I’m having issues with is getting the root domain example.com to forward to the same cname as www.example.com
the example.com resolves to the primary IP of the mail in a box IP
I’ve tried to enter *.example.com in the customer DNS and @.example.com and leaving it blank but still not getting it to forward the root to the proper CNAME
I would think leaving Name (subdomain) blank and entering the correct domain in “Value” would work for the CNAME record. Are you remembering to put a trailing . character at the end? There is a note reminder in Custom DNS to do so in case you wonder where I mean.
Who is your DNS provider or are you using the box’s DNS?
www.example.com forwards to the cname properly as intended but what I’m having issues with is getting the root domain example.com to forward to the same cname as www.example.com