Has anyone tried using MiaB on qdPM script?

The script free version: http://qdpm.net/

I tried using an email from MiaB but it doesn’t work.
I tried using Gmail SMTP and it works fine.

The error was:
Error sending email: Connection could not be established with host box.miab.xxx [ #0]

Any advice?


Can you post the configuration you used?

You should be using port 587 not 25 for security as well as some ISP’s do not allow port 25 outbound. GMAIL smtp by default is port 587 I believe.

Yes I am.

It’s 465.

My settings

Need some advice.

In SMTP Encryption, did you type that manually? Should it be “STARTTLS”…?

I am not familiar with qdpm - I will try to test with my box and get back to you.

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I followed what you advice and I got different error:

Error: Error sending email: Connection could not be established with host box.mydomain.com [Unable to find the socket transport “STARTTLS” - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP? #1]


other options are: tcp/udp/unix/udg/ssl/sslv3/sslv2/tls/tlsv1.0/tlsv1.1/tlsv1.2

I tested and I couldn’t figure out what settings would work. using port 25 with tcp should though (I didn’t test that because I have port 25 blocked on my local network)

I have tried, port 25 also doesn’t work.

Damn, Sorry wish I could assist more.

Also if you are looking for a web based project management software, I would recommend one of the following:

https://codecanyon.net/item/freelance-cockpit-3-project-management-and-crm/4203727(Costs money, but it’s cheap and works VERY well.)
TurnKeyLinux has some great virtual appliances for this as well: https://www.turnkeylinux.org/business-management and these are all free.

Redmine from TKL seems to have similar features to qdpm: https://www.turnkeylinux.org/redmine

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Any idea @JoshData ? :frowning:

does qdpm log stuff somewhere? Can you grab us log files?

Yes it has but Log file is empty.
Both script log and nginx log is empty.

This is likely the problem. Mail-in-a-Box requires STARTTLS but it’s not an option supported by qdPM according to that list.

You should contact the qdPM folks.

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Try setting up sendmail on the host, and using your MIAB as a relay for sendmail. then just use tcp in the security box and localhost as the server.

I’ll try to search on how to do that.
I use postfix I think.

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