Indeed which is why it has been replaced by the article that I wrote on the subject.
setting up the slave DNS is just copy / paste of 2 lines or so. gives u a ton of extra DNS power.
Well, it is a bit more involved than that as you have to create an account with the Secondary DNS provider, then add the domains that will be hosted. Some providers will ask for a DNS TXT record to verify even.
Then you’ll need to change the name servers with the domain registrar for each domain.
After that yeah, just one simple entry in the MiaB admin area on the Custom DNS page is all that is needed.
Can someone tell me if I also need to update nameserver registration?
The issue I’m having that Squarespace(place I have a domain) does not allow me enter my secondary DNS provider (ovh) name server as it required it end with .mydomain? What should I do? Just leave the second record as ns2.mail.mydomain? Thanks
Read here Nameservers and DNSSEC for Squarespace-managed domains – Squarespace Help Center
It talks about adding custom nameservers and glue records.
Your custom nameservers should be NS record >> and Wait for propagation if TTL settings exist in their admin panel lower them for faster propagation.
Your glue records should be A record >> ns1.mail and ns2.mail
Or if you use IPV6 AAAA record >> ns1.mail and ns2.mail
At the bottom it says:
- To change your nameservers, click Use custom nameservers, then enter the information for at least two nameservers. Click Save in the top-right corner.
I know how to add this records my questions is regarding something else. I will try to describe it more clearly.
I set up my second DNS server at ovh.
My nameservers are currently this:
And glue records - A record of my domain IP - A record of my domain IP
Question is. Does my second glue record should be as it is or it should have ovh domain with it’s IP. If this is a case I can not set glue record that has domain different than so I can not put there
I thought because of second nameserver that is oh.domain.con second glue record should also point to ovh domain and A record to it.
Hope it describes better.
It will work with one. But this is not the way to go. Please report if you exeprince any issues.