Gmail marks as spam most of emails

I have been using MIAB since quite a time now, and I am still having issues with Gmail and their way of detecting spam. I could say that 90% of the emails I sent to Gmail accounts are marked as spam. And believe when I say it is not spam.

I have a 10/10 and all similar services I could find. What else could I do to ensure Gmail does not set my emails as spam?

Thanks in advance,

Try “Postmaster Tools by Gmail” :wink:

I did try that already, not enough volume. I send 10 email/day max.

Are those mails you write, or forwarded mails?

You could try to set the DMARC rua/ruf fields if you haven’t already done so, to have Google send you some feedback if it’s SPF/DKIM related …

Emails I write.

I just set that, so I will check during this week how it goes

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