This MIAB installation is intended to handle my companies emails and personally, I want to use RainLoop on the MAIB but some of my employees want the ability to use Gmail as their client for checking mail.
The problem is following the instructions in the https://domain/admin/ > Mail > Instructions
results in
Hey buddy, Just use Rainloop and have end users get used to it. have gmail as the client software, and running MIAB, you might as well get Google for Business (AKA Google G Suite)
This machine is on a cloud provider so it is directly hooked into the internet nothing in between. Granted I could enable some fancy hardware firewall which is free and included in my package.
Personally I’m 100% behind this concept and as I make the switch from what I’m stuck with using Gmail for 90% of my stuff over to my own provider. The situation still exists that sadly some people won’t check the mail if its inconvenient for them. RainLoop works fine for me but I don’t want working for me to be a chore for people.
For the sake of getting this to work, I’ve been running with UFW off until I can figure out how to make it play well with my VPN I also have installed on this machine. It seems that I have no way of mirroring my local firewall to the UFW so I’ve just been running with it off. I also only use colossal passwords anyway so it really doesn’t bother me if someone tries to brute force it. Good luck breaking 60something character long passwords this century.
From what I can tell at this point is that I think that Gmail is gimping their own ability to connect to my MIAB instance.