Gmail app on android, not working anymore

Have been running my mail in a box for a couple of days now. Also setup my mail in Gmail app on my android phone. Every thing has been working really good, untill now. The Gmail app says “no connection”, it seems like it is the incommimg settings that not working. I can send mail, but not reciving. I haven’t change anything. The webmail works fine Any clues?

I had issues with the Gmail interface and MiaB as well. I ended up using Nine, also have users who use the Microsoft Outlook Android app which is free. Both support doing the ActiveSync method.

Okey, well i tried to use it as a exchange account in the Gmail app instead. And now it works again. Pro/cons for using exchange?
I dont’t have that much knowledge abot mail:) still learning:)

I tried the Gmail ActivSync and on the surface it worked great. The issue I ran into is that it was a real drain on my battery. Outlook and Nine for me did not have that issue. YMMV

Hi! I used this tutorial, when I had the same problem I have problems with certain downloads, I always find official sites and I’m looking for ways to resolve this issue.Maybe it will help you. Also I read more about this problem on another app review websites. However, it seems that Google has already solved this problem and more should not happen.