Getting emails from Microsoft after setting up MiaB

Since I set up the email server (which is working great by the way), I have been getting these emails from Microsoft.


There’s also a .json file attached on the email with some information

{"organization-name":"Microsoft Corporation","date-range":{"start-datetime":"2021-02-20T00:00:00Z","end-datetime":"2021-02-20T23:59:59Z"},"contact-info":"","report-id":"","policies":[{"policy":{"policy-type":"sts","policy-string":["version: STSv1","mode: enforce","mx:","max_age: 604800"],"policy-domain":""},"summary":{"total-successful-session-count":2,"total-failure-session-count":0}}]}

I was wondering if there’s something I should be doing. or paying attention to.

It looks like some sort of aggregate report being sent, which is usually requested, somehow. I suspect one of two things: you have put a reporting email address in one of your records (CAA, maybe something else?) or there is an account with Microsoft that instructs them to send these reports to your domain, but I’m just guessing because I’ve never seen one of these from Microsoft before.

BTW, using multi-line inline code in Discourse is hard to read. To do multi-line code you can put the code in the dialog box, then highlight and select the </> button or place ~~~~ above and below the code block:

 STSv1","mode: enforce","mx:","max_age: 

However, sometimes it is better to use quotes when quoting things like headers and json files in this case by highlighting and selecting ":

{"organization-name":"Microsoft Corporation","date-range":{"start-datetime":"2021-02-20T00:00:00Z","end-datetime":"2021-02-20T23:59:59Z"},"contact-info":"","report-id":"","policies":[{"policy":{"policy-type":"sts","policy-string":["version: STSv1","mode: enforce","mx:","max_age: 604800"],"policy-domain":""},"summary":{"total-successful-session-count":2,"total-failure-session-count":0}}]}

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