Fully redundant Mail-in-a-box server. Is it Possible?

People ask questions like this a lot and I don’t know what “is it possible” means.

Does Mail-in-a-Box do it now? No.

What would it take to make your Mail-in-a-Box do it? I don’t give general system administration advice and discourage discussion of that sort of thing here. You could ask on Server Fault or a forum for maintaining servers.

How hard would it be to add it to Mail-in-a-Box for everyone? I don’t know. This question can take hours to research to get a real answer. But basically every change is hard and results in years of bug fixes.

Is it something I plan to work on? No.

Would I merge a pull request to make Mail-in-a-Box do it? Possibly, depending on how disruptive the changes are to the existing setup, which of course I don’t know until I see it.

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