I have MIAB installed on box.ex1.com
I have a website ex2.com running on another DO droplet with different nameserver than MIAB with 2 A records for the naked domains (@ & www)
Now I have created a username@ex2.com in MIAB and now MIAB shows external DNS settings where it asks to create 2 A records (@ & www) pointing to its (MIAB) IP on ex2.com DNS- how is this possible?
I have even tried creating 2 A records in DO DNS pointing MIAB IP - but then when I open website it gives 404 error !
While the system status shows that "This domain should resolve to your box’s IP address… "
Ignore this … MiaB assumes that it is handling DNS for both domains, which it is not.
Ignore this if you are using External DNS.
When you use External DNS and have a website on a different IP you do not change the web related DNS entries, just the email related ones … MX record, DKIM, SPF, DMARC, etc…
Ok, looking at this from a different approach … you are hosting the domain’s website on another server so you would need to add Custom DNS entries for your MiaB for the @ and www records of ex2.com. Once those Custom records are entered, the External DNS page will be correct (with the exception of the NS entries as MiaB does not know that you are using External DNS).
Just a thought - if we send email using PHPmailer - do we still need postfix installation and configuration - as of now I am sending email using PHPMailer using SMTP but mails are going to spam even though all status are PASS
You need some kind of MTA, be it Postfix, Sendmail, Exim, Qmail, MUTT, etc.
Have you created a custom SPF record? Remember, the SPF record that MiaB uses recommends mail sent from a different server be quarantined (sent to spam).
@alento as of now I have copied all the external DNS section records into my website DO DNS - and when I checked https://www.dmarcanalyzer.com/spf/checker it shows We did not find problems with your SPF record. with box.ex1.com as MX record.
Do I need to create SPF with my website IP and again create a new TXT record for that?