Error moving from .30 to .42 on new Ubuntu 18.04 system

Hello all.

I was following the steps from here (Mail-in-a-Box version v0.40 and moving to Ubuntu 18.04) and was having great luck until I got past restoring backups and re-running mailinabox setup - the last step.

That’s where I hit this:

Mail-in-a-Box Version:  v0.42b

Updating system packages...
Installing system packages...
Initializing system random number generator...
Firewall is active and enabled on system startup
Installing nsd (DNS server)...
Installing Postfix (SMTP server)...
Installing Dovecot (IMAP server)...
Installing OpenDKIM/OpenDMARC...
Installing SpamAssassin...
Installing Nginx (web server)...
Installing Roundcube (webmail)...
Installing Nextcloud (contacts/calendar)...
Nextcloud or one of the apps require upgrade - only a limited number of commands are available
You may use your browser or the occ upgrade command to do the upgrade
Set log level to debug
Exception: Updates between multiple major versions and downgrades are unsupported.
Update failed
Maintenance mode is kept active
Reset log level

Now my server is completely jacked up and not working properly. Any advice before I restore my old server and go back to .30?


Ignore me friends, for I have broken the cardinal rule. If only I had performed a search before making this post, I would have found my answer here ([Solved] Workaround for upgrading over multiple Versions of MiaB to the latest when multiple major Versions of Nexcloud are included (first accured in upgrade from v0.30/v0.40 (NC13) to v0.42b (NC15) with v0.41 (NC14) between ) ! UPDATED! cose of backup)

Carry on. I am back up and running now.


@JoshData We really need to do something to address this. Maybe edit the first post to tell people not to follow it and point them to the second?

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I agree with this. There needs to be clearer instructions on going from legacy to new.

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How many people are still on the 14.04 version(s)?

Too many, I am sure. But there is no way to really know.

Guys, I was a slow adopter. Now that I’ve moved over, this shouldn’t be an issue anymore. :grin:

Really, just a link to the second article from the first with something along the lines of “hey you, since you didn’t upgrade when you should have, you have a few more steps you need to do… Keep waiting and it’ll get worse.” That should suffice.

Anyway, thanks again for a great product and really awesome user to user support.

That is basically along the idea of what I am thinking. Since the threads are both closed @joshdata is going to need to do it.

But yeah, there are too many late adopters. But, I fully understand … afterall, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

I too am guilty. /me hangs his head in shame. But thank goodness @Wojtek has come up with a solution that works!!!

I’ve published version v0.43 which should fix this problem. Thanks all.

Great news! Thanks @JoshData

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