Does Mail In A Box interfere with Debians VPN?

Hi there

I know how to setup Debian so that ALL OUTBOUND traffic goes over a VPN (to an external server I also run).

If I setup a fresh Debian, setup my VPN as I need it - will Mail In A Box interfere with that VPN? The external VPN server also forwards all relevant ports backwards (port 25 etc) so while complex I am confident it will work, as long as, Mail In a Box does not interfere system level VPN.

Does Mail In a Box interfere with system level VPN?

excited to get started with your amazing product!

Thank you all for making and supporting this wonderful idea

I just hope I can use it

they should work in tandem, just be aware of UFW / IPTABLES rules to allow the VPN.

Thank you so much

I am confident I can get it to work

I guess my question is… will mailinabox fight against it and undo the UFW/IPTABLES rules I setup, or will it close down services I start etc? How militant is MailInABox at taking over?

Many thanks
I hope its possible - I simply must use VPN to acheive a mailserver it is my only choice
Thank you

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