In the munin report I’m seeing a critical warning about inode usage being 99.5% - any idea if this is a big problem. So far I’m not seeing any symptoms
(Apart, that is, from the return of an old problem with downloads disappearing. I can’t remember how I solved this last time, but I don’t think it had anything to do with inodes.)
The culprit was /usr/src which had a lot of linux kernel headers. I mounted a second volume, moved the contents of /usr/src to a directory there and made a symbolic link from /usr/src to the directory.
Another suggestion I had from Aletto was to run apt-get autoremove
In my case the problem was with client software that was set up to connect mailinabox via Exchange protocol. Something went wrong and those clients started to DDOS the mailinabox server. The solution was:
Check what client is ddosing your server: run /milinabox/management/ The mailbox you are looking for will have hundreds/thousands of imap connections.
Set up the Outlook of that user to use imap instead of Exchange