Creating email alias with wildcard(user*

I am trying to create an alias that forwards anything after the username to my address(ie. USER*** to
I tried creating an alias with just an * after the username, but does not seem to work.
Only need to receive emails from the wildcards not send
Is there a special synax for doing this?

I assume this is for organizing the inbox or signing up for services?

use Tagged emails (no need for alias, just add +tagname to email)

Example: which sends email to

For years I have a system where I use unique email-addresses at different places. So if web page www.domain.tld ask my email address, I give address www.domain.tld@mydomain.tld.
Postfix supports regexp aliases, but with mailinabox setup, you need to “break” this setup a bit.

/etc/postfix/ change:
virtual_alias_maps = regexp:/etc/alias.regexp

/www[.+].*@mydomain.tld/ jjussi@mydomain.tld

I can “black list” addresses (at same alias.regexp file) when needed:
/ dev_null
/ dev_null

Those black list rules are of course before those white list rules.

Reason why mailinabox don’t support regexp aliases is that sqlite3… Yes, you can do SELECT … WHERE alias REGEXP {pattern}; but that is just don’t work in this case where we need to check if would match regexp pattern /www[.+].*@mydomain.tld/ and not around.