Contacs Roundcube to Owncloud syncing/merging

After updating i found out that i now have contacts in owncloud and Roundcube. But writing mails those contacts don’t seem to be synchronized. Is there a way to sync or have only one central contact place. It would be good if roundcube would use the owncloud contacts.

Or did i miss something completly here ?

Hope someone can Help

Right. We haven’t figured that out yet.

Please see

I’ve been able to sync the address books almost seamlessly using the carddav plugin:

I’ve been able to make the cardDAV address book the primary and only address book. The only problems I’ve had are minor. I get an error when editing contacts in roundcube saying that the contact could not be updated, but the contacts seem to be getting updated. Also, An addressbook is not initalized for new users until they log in to owncloud for the first time. This means that, with the plugin enabled and address book presets configured, new users will get an error logging in to roundcube until they first log in to owncloud to initialize an address book. (not a big deal, but kind of annoying)… If you guys are intersted, I can grab my config files and post them.

It wouldn’t hurt to see what you did. I’m not sure how we might address this. That plugin doesn’t look well maintained, so I am not sure I want to pull that into Mail-in-a-Box.