Conflicting Public DNS after setting up: a Domain name, One web server and another email server

I instaled and setupp on digitalocean:

  1. One apllication + web server
  2. One dedicated email server.
    having trouble to config dns. Domain purched from

Request help for a detailed step by step dns setups. Pls help.



Server 1 is the web server.
Server 2 is the MiaB email server.

You have two options for properly setting up DNS.

Option 1 - allow Mail-in-a-Box to handle DNS:

— At domain registrar, create the ‘glue records’ for and both pointed to the IP address of server 2.

— Install MiaB

— On the ‘Custom DNS’ page of the admin area add the A records for the root domain (yourdomain.tld) and, if applicable, the subdomain (www.yourdomain.tld) pointing to the IP address of server 1.

— As protection against a ‘single point of failure’ configure a secondary DNS provider as explained in this guide:

Option 2 - have DNS handled externally:

— Decide who will handle DNS, whether it be the registrar, Digital Ocean, or some third party provider.

— At domain registrar, point the name servers to the assigned name servers given to you by your DNS provider.

— Install MiaB.

— On the ‘Custom DNS’ page of the admin area add the A records for the root domain (yourdomain.tld) and, if applicable, the subdomain (www.yourdomain.tld) pointing to the IP address of server 1.

— Copy ALL of the records marked as required and optionally those marked as optional to the chosen DNS provider.

You’re The Boss man. Time saver… looks working fine so far…

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