Today I’ve ended up moving one of my .uk domains AWAY from 123reg and at the end of this month I’ll move my away as well.
The reason. - 123reg have stated that they can’t sign domains, even though Nominet have stated that they should be able to do so.
In fact they even went so far to say that if I wanted DNSSEC then I should consider changing registrar. Well I have I’m now with GoDaddy for two of my Domains and the only reason the third hasn’t joined them was because it was renewed less than 60 days ago.
Really surprised that a registrar should have trouble doing this
I used to have around a dozen domains with 123reg but they are not able to offer a modern service and they are a nightmare to deal with. Transferring domains is a nightmare and usually requires a number of phone calls to get it sorted.
GoDaddy is on my boycott list and will remain so for the foreseeable future.